In My Humble Opinion...

Topics of interest, personal passions, and spontaneous inspirations. My blog posts from around the Internet.


Quitting corporate: why I chose happiness over money

Have you ever dreamt of saying goodbye to the daily office grind, packing up your cubicle (oh, that dreadful cubicle), and ditching that exhausting lifestyle altogether?


I’m right there with you, my friend.


Do your days crawl at a snail's pace?

Have you ever dreamt of saying goodbye to the daily office grind, packing up your cubicle (oh, that dreadful cubicle), and ditching that exhausting lifestyle altogether?


I’m right there with you, my friend.


How Tragedy Can Make or Break Your Life

Tragedy puts you at a decisive crossroads. Which path will you take?



A Mistake New Freelancers Need to Avoid

How much are your words worth? Should you charge per word? Per hour?

Or a fixed price?


If you’ve never been plagued with this dilemma, you’re not a writer.


Finding Your (Writing) Voice

Do you ever question your writing? Have you ever been envious of someone else’s writing — wishing you had even an ounce of their ability? If you’ve ever questioned your writing ability or simply wished you spent more time writing, I hope the following three steps (based on my personal experience) are helpful — or at least get the ball rolling.


3 critical lessons from my first month of freelancing

It’s officially been one month since I traded in my Corporate America job for the entrepreneurial hustle.


I survived my first 30 days of full-time self-employment. The world didn’t end.



5 simple finance principles you need to know


How to get the most out of your bank accounts

Bank accounts aren’t sexy. They aren’t attention-grabbing. They don’t come up in discussions at parties. At least they shouldn’t, because that sounds like an awkward party. But that doesn’t mean they aren’t important to understand.  Bank accounts may not be the most thrilling subject matter, but it is essential to know where your money is and what it’s doing.  This knowledge will help ease your financial stress and develop your financial literacy.


Why financial literacy will improve your life


Everything you need to know to reach financial stability
