Carter Kilmann

Freelance Content Writer and Editor for Hire
Need content? Let’s work together. Check out my services, experience, and portfolio below. 
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Want your website to stand out from your competition? Need engaging, attention-grabbing copy for your next email marketing campaign? 

I’m your writer. 

When it comes to copywriting, every word counts. Snatching a reader’s attention is difficult enough. Keeping their interest and unconsciously influencing them to take action are steeper challenges.

Attention spans are short-lived these days. What’re you doing to change that?  


Don’t have time to fulfill your clients’ ongoing, insatiable content needs? Looking for a way to free up resources for more pressing business matters?

I’m your writer.

You’ve got a business to run. It’s not just writing that consumes your precious time — it’s also researching topics, studying trends, and gathering quality sources that burn through the day’s finite hours.

That’s where I come in. 



Maybe you’re a little rusty, maybe you prefer a second set of eyes to review your writing.

I’m your editor. 

You may view editing as a luxury, rather than a necessity. But publishing unchecked work can be counterproductive…even damaging.  

An editor not only spots formatting issues, grammar mistakes, and improper word usage — but also identifies off-scope sentences, contradictions, and unnecessary verbiage. 

To be more specific, I'm experienced in...

Digital Marketing

Do you want to continue building your brand? What about more web traffic and exposure?

It’s simple: thought-provoking, action-inspiring content can do wonders for your business.

I can help you…

Connect with new prospects by expanding your audience and developing a vast online presence.

Establish your company as a thought-leader in your industry with insightful content.

Convert leads to sales with strategically crafted blog posts, case studies, sales collateral, and white papers that will set your company apart from your competitors.


Search Engine Optimized Copy

Are you trying to get your website ranked on that coveted first Search Engine Result Page (SERP)? Trying to generate more website traffic?

Integrating SEO content into your marketing strategy can help you accomplish this.

The algorithms behind search engines are fluid. Jamming a bunch of keywords into a blog post and calling it a day will never get your site the exposure it deserves. The folks at Google are too smart for that. 

Plus, your audience won’t appreciate the clunky copy. 

I can help you…

Increase your brand’s visibility by taking a strategic approach to naturally incorporating keywords.

Craft informative, value-driven content that draws attention and meets your readers’ needs.

Technical Writing

Do you work in a complex industry? Does your business provide a service that’s hard to explain?

An adept technical writer can digest complicated, unfamiliar topics and produce user-friendly contentI’ve written about several technical industries, such as finance, healthcare, and engineering.  

I can help you…

Translate complex data into wholesome, rich content that your company can provide to readers, leads, and clients. 

Educate your web traffic about your business’s products and/or services.

Developmental Editing

Most people don’t even realize they need an editor. 

But you spent valuable time piecing together your work. Don’t you want to ensure your message is clear and understandable? 

Basic editing takes a headfirst dive into the weeds of your words. Grammar mistakes, word usage, typos. 

Developmental editing takes the review process a step further by taking a step back. It considers the big picture — including the message, the pacing, and the structure. 

I can help you…

Clean up your copy and any minor mistakes that can discredit your content.

Ensure your content’s message is heard and your desired action is taken. 


Blog Posts

The bread-and-butter of any website's content efforts. Blogs can be a major shot in the arm to your business. They generate way more inbound leads, enhance brand perception, and improve SEO metrics. 

Whatever your content needs are — short-form or long-form, analytical or anecdotal, seasonal or evergreen  — it's no problem.

I'm your blogger. 

Case Studies

You work hard.

You've been around the block a few times.

Why not leverage this experience and convert it into marketing material?

Case studies are an effective tool — they can turn your product or service into an easy-to-follow narrative, which demonstrates your competitive advantages. Give leads and existing customers something tangible they can refer to. 

You're thinking about a perfect example, aren't you? Maybe a recent success? Let's get to work.

I'm your case study writer.

White Papers

White papers can be the difference between skepticism and trust. These reports provide solutions while establishing your company as an authority in your industry.

White papers are a lead-generating tool that needs to be in your company's content toolbox. 

I'm your white paper writer.


The words that form a bond between your readers and your company.

The words that determine the difference between a visitor and a customer. 

Every word counts, every sentence plays a role. It's an intricate process — enticing your viewers to stay a little while, engaging them with alluring content, and persuading them to reach out, signup, etc.

 One false step in the process can derail the whole train. 

Needless to say, quality copywriting is important. 

Do you think your site could use some work? Are your emails producing results? 

I'm your copywriter.


Ever written something and sighed at the thought of having to turnaround and begin a thorough review?

Ever felt like you've been staring at your writing for far too long — so much so that you can't take an objective point of view anymore?

That's where an editor comes into play. 

Whether you've experienced both, either, or neither of the above situations, it's still important to have a second set of eyes survey your work.

Another perspective can catch grammar mistakes, hidden typos, improper word usage, etc. 

But, did you know you can take that one step further?

Developmental editing considers the big picture. Is your writing structured in the most effective format? Do your words flow at a fluid pace? Would a reader pick up what you're putting down?

You've gotten through the hard part — coming up with a topic, researching it, outlining it, and putting it on "paper." Now, let's cross the finish line.

I'm your editor.

Topics I've covered:


Do you run a personal finance blog? Or maybe you’re a financial institution looking for content on developments and trends within the financial services industry? 

Whatever your finance content needs are, I can help.  

I enjoy helping people understand their finances so that, in turn, they can achieve financial stability. 


Are you a digital marketing agency with insatiable content needs?

I’ve written about digital and traditional marketing strategies, consumer demographics, and disruptive techs that are shaping the industry — to name a few.


I’ve written about healthcare legislation, the impact of data privacy and security on the industry, and even marketing guidelines for providers and insurers. 

Big Data

Big data is a big topic in today’s digital society. Need a writer who’s familiar with regulations, trends, and the latest tech? 

Consumer Products

From new carbonated beverages to high-end hair products to the latest video game, I’ve written reviews, descriptions, and feature bullets for a variety of consumer products.

Ready to get started?

Too Far Gone? Why U.S. Agricultural Industry is in Dire Straits

The trade wars between the US and China have major implications on the global economy, but the US is already feeling market pressures. Back and forth retaliatory tariff hikes continue to put dents in US export figures – especially those of the agricultural industry.

What is a REIT and How Can It Make You Money?

Have you ever been curious about investing in real estate?

Or maybe you’re interested in diversifying your portfolio?

Traditional real estate is difficult to invest in – and difficult to cash out of once you’re invested.

7 Signs Your're on Your Way to Financial Freedom

Do you yearn for the flexibility to do what you want, when you want?

Do you want autonomy over your schedule – like being able to travel on a whim?

Have you ever dreamed of being stress-free?

5 simple finance principles you need to know

There are a few basic principles that are critical to reaching financial stability, accumulating wealth, and living life to the fullest.

So we’re going to walk through five simple financial principles (and some actionable advice to maximize this knowledge) that will help you get from A to B.

Get Your Finances Organized

Are your finances organized? Do you have a clear overview of your money situation?

Power to you, if you do. If not, grab a broom and let’s get cleaning.

Let’s dust off the ole drawing board and outline your financial blueprint. It’s gonna be clean, it’s gonna be organized, it’s gonna be money.

Why You Need to Organize Your Finances Before Becoming a Solopreneur

Are your days at your soul-sucking job almost up?

No more working into the night (and the wee hours of the morning). No more urgent projects with impossible turnaround expectations. No more corporate B.S.

Let’s get to work!

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